Joram Liebeskind


Are you trying to get in touch with a Joram, but are not sure how to find him? I made this website to help you figure if I am the Joram you are looking for.


  1. I grew up in Winterthur, Switzerland (1994 - today)
  2. Apprenticeship (Automation Technician)
  3. Participation at Swiss Youth in Science, 49th competition (Participation at Swiss Talent Forum and guest at Intel ISEF as a result)
  4. Berufsmaturität
  5. BSc. in Computer Science at the School of Engineering at Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  6. MSc. in Computer Science at D-INFK, ETH Zürich


Note that an interest is just that - an interest. For me, being interested in a topic is a necessary but not sufficient condition for expert knowledge.


du ät joramliebeskind döt com.

Please note that I will respond from a different email account.